Exhibition Ends, Grateful for the Encounter

The SHOES & LEATHER VIETNAM 2024 has come to a successful close!During the past three days at The SHOES & LEATHER VIETNAM 2024, we witnessed an extraordinary event in the industry.

OOK Zipper’s booth buzzed with activity, attracting a steady stream of enthusiastic visitors and fostering engaging conversations.

We proudly showcased our latest innovations and were thrilled by the overwhelmingly positive feedback. The connections made and partnerships forged during this event are set to shape our future trajectory significantly.

This exhibition has not only solidified our market presence but has also inspired us to reach new heights. Thank you all for being a part of this remarkable experience.
#OOK ZIPPER #factorytour #fair #tradefair #tradefair2024 #Vietnam #zipper #expocenter #SECC #ShoesLeatherVietnam