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Our absence from LINEAPELLE leather fair Milan

Dear customer,

Due to the concerns of hygiene and transportation, I am sorry to inform you that we OOK are not able to attend the coming LINEAPELLE leather Milan show next week.

In the meantime our HK office is operating as home office mode and resume to normal next Monday. Our factory will also be re-opened on 17th February as well and we will try our best to catch up for minimizing the order delay.

Highly appreciated if you check and fill the attached survey questionnaire for us. Your valuable comments are very helpful for us to improve our services.

Sorry again for any inconvenience caused by the current situation and thanks for your support always.


茲因衛生及交通安排的關係, 抱歉通知閣下我們OOK團隊未能參與下週舉辦的LINEAPELLE 米蘭展覽, 請注意.

本周我司香港辦公室以家居工作模式運行, 並在下週回復正常上班. 國內工廠也將本月十七日投入生產, 我們全體將會竭盡所能提高産能, 盡快解決囤積訂單, 減少延誤.

附件是我司客戶意見調查問卷, 敬請閣下參與及填寫寄回. 閣下的寶貴意見有幫我司提高服務及品質, 並且也是給我們的重要動力.

在此我們再向各位抱歉這段時間帶來的不便, 及感謝各位一路的支持.

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